HomeBase Treatment
A War Veteran Treatment Program for PTSD and Substance Abuse
The Problem
There are nearly 3,000,000 war veterans in the U.S. suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Approximately eighty percent of these veterans are self-medicating with alcohol and/or drugs to mitigate the symptoms of this debilitating condition. The combination of mental health issues and substance abuse destroys their ability to work or integrate into society. The Veterans Administration provides non-integrated, symptomatic treatment, but the average wait time to receive treatment is 24 months. Consequently, those in need are faced with a no- hope situation which breeds deepening depression and elevated rates of suicide. The VA’s own statistics indicate that from this group alone there are 18 – 22 suicides per day – over 7000 per year.

The Solution
HomeBase Treatment-Texas, Inc. (HBT) will provide unique, comprehensive and holistic treatment for the “dual-diagnosis” conditions of PTSD/co-occurring disorders, and substance abuse. Our plan is to open in February of 2025 with fully functioning administrative offices, key staff, including a Human Resources director who will immediately begin hiring the staff required to house, treat and rehabilitate individuals damaged by PTSD and substance abuse. With the completion of our seventy-13,000 square foot residential buildings, HBT will offer a park-like campus feel with well spaced homes by the end of December 2024 in Texas and 2027 in California

Our organization, through several specialized treatment programs for Military Service Members, has been providing free immediate treatment for this group since 2002. At least one third of those assessed required a higher level of care. It is imperative for their recovery that they receive treatment in a residential setting from two to six months, or longer, where they receive nurturing, holistic care that includes therapy for PTSD/co-occurring disorders, and substance abuse treatment and counseling. Additionally, successful models have shown that other activities and alternative therapies prove essential in the rehabilitation process.
Successful programs include:
- massage therapy
- recreational activities
- spiritual development
- vocational training
- general and specific academic education
- goal setting
For the successful treatment of the dual-diagnosed, there are requirements for psychiatric care with associated prescriptions, if necessary, behavioral health therapists, as well as the substance abuse professionals all operating together to provide an integrated treatment program delivered by a compassionate staff. Our 5-month program includes 60 days of integrated mental health and substance use/abuse treatment in a Residential setting. This includes individual, group, and family counseling and therapy. Upon completion, the clients begin a 90-day, on campus trade school during the day to give them the skills to earn and keep a job, while continuing with evening outpatient services. In their last month, our career specialists secure a job back home for them where their families live, then they line up a sponsor and a Church for complete support.