Five Myths About Addiction
Honest, courageous and insightful aren’t words typically used to describe drug addicts. But if given the chance, many addicts end up developing these qualities and contributing to society in a way they never imagined possible. FIND OUT MORE

Five Lessons People Can Learn From Horses
People have sought out relationships with horses since we first laid eyes on each other. Although riding horses can be exhilarating, there’s something even more profound that draws us together…alk with others that can relate to many of the same struggles you face without judgment. Make life long friends and help each other in the recovery process. READ MORE

ReBOOT Mind. Body. Whole
Boot Campaign and its revolutionary ReBOOT program are providing funding to world-class physical and mental wellness programs. Ultimately, Boot Campaign links arms with wellness partners across the country further scientific research and kick-start a veteran’s journey to take back control of their own health and wellness. FIND OUT MORE

Hero Miles
Thanks to your generosity, we have provided more than 63,000 tickets to wounded, injured, and ill service members and their families, worth nearly $100 million. READ MORE

Mesothelioma cancer among veterans is an unfortunate reality. Rates of asbestos-related diseases are high in veterans because of the military’s extensive asbestos use. Veterans exposed during service are eligible to make claims for benefits like health care and disability compensation. FIND OUT MORE